The Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun China Metaverse Companies with the Greatest Potential 2024, a ranking of 200 Chinese companies with the greatest potential in the metaverse. The report includes a list of Hurun China Metaverse Future Stars 2024. This is the third year of the list.
China Metaverse Companies 2024-08-29
The Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun China 500 Most Valuable Private Companies 2023, a list of the Top 500 China non-state-controlled enterprises ranked according to their value. The cut-off used for listed companies was 15 November 2023. Non-listed companies were valued with reference to similar-sized listed companies from the same industry.
China 500 2024-08-13
HSBC China in association with Hurun Education today released the HSBC Hurun Education Global Highschools 2024, a list of the world’s top highschools, ranked according to leavers’ university destinations, co-curricular and reputation. The list aims to provide the latest insights on overseas education to help parents with early planning and preparation.
Global Highschools 2024-06-17
The Hurun Research Institute today launched the Hurun China Art List 2024, a ranking of the Top 100 Chinese artists alive today based on the sales of their works at public auction in the year ending 31 December 2023. This is the seventeenth year of the Hurun China Art List. The report includes the Hurun Best-Selling Chinese Artists 2024, a list of the 100 best-selling artists from China. The lists
Most Successful Chinese Living Artists 2024-05-29
The Hurun Research Institute, in association with Yuanzheng Culture, today released the Yuanzheng Culture · Hurun Best Towns in the World for Ceramic Arts 2023, a list of the Top 10 towns in the world for ceramic arts, and the Yuanzheng Culture · Hurun China Top Pottery Companies for Everyday Living 2023, a ranking of the Top 50 companies from this industry. This is the first year of the list.
Ceramic Arts 2024-04-17
The Hurun Research Institute today released the Global Unicorn Index 2024, a ranking of the world’s start-ups founded in the 2000s, worth at least a billion dollars and not yet listed on a public exchange. The cut-off was 1 January 2024, with significant changes in valuation updated up to the date of release. Hurun Research has been tracking unicorns since 2017. This is the sixth year of the Globa
Global Unicorn 2024-04-09
The Hurun Research Institute today released the Hurun Chinese Luxury Consumer Survey & Hurun Best of the Best Awards 2024. This is the 20th consecutive year Hurun Research has revealed the brand preferences, consumption habits and lifestyle trends of China’s wealthiest individuals. Widely regarded as an ISO9000 for China’s luxury sector, the CLCS has become a benchmark for the luxury sector.
Chinese Luxury Consumer 2024-03-29
Hurun Education, the education platform of Hurun Inc., today released the Hurun Education Top International Schools in China 2023, a ranking of the best-regarded international schools in China. The ranking included the Hurun Education International Schools in China Top 100 and the Hurun Education International Schools Open to Non-Chinese Passport Holders Only Top 30. This is the sixth year of the
Top International Schools in China 2024-03-28
Hurun Report today released the Hurun Global Rich List 2024, a ranking of the US dollar billionaires in the world. Wealth calculations are a snapshot of 15 January 2024. This is the 13th year of the ranking. JDYD Liquor, a premium Chinese baijiu brand, is the title sponsor of the list for the third year.
Global Rich List 2024-03-26
(22 March 2024, Shanghai and Changshu) The Hurun Research Institute today released the Changshu Kuncheng Lake · Hurun China Under30s 2023, a list of China’s most successful entrepreneurs aged 30 and under. This is the seventh year of the list.
China Under30s 2024-03-22
胡润研究院、广东省数字广东研究院、京彩未来今日联合发布《2024数字空间共同体白皮书》(Digital Space Community Report 2024)。这份96页的白皮书,旨在探寻数字空间共同体的概念与实现,挖掘数字空间共同体与生产力、生产关系和生产要素的经济模式,探索数字空间共同体的产业化和规模化发展,展望数字空间共同体的实践与未来趋势。
《2023 中国新零售白皮书》详细介绍了新零售的崛起、定义、特点和未来发展趋势等方面的内容。希望通过这份白皮书,读者能够全面了解中国新零售的发展现状和未来趋势,为企业在新的零售环境中立足提供参考和帮助。
胡润研究院携手广州温州商会联合发布《2023广州温州商会·胡润中国商帮报告》(GZ WZ Chamber of Commerce · Hurun Characteristics of Regional Entrepreneurs in China 2023)。这份72页的报告是业内首份聚焦在社会经济大变迁环境下,研究中国主流商帮的兴起、发展、变革与复兴的专业报告,旨在探索传统商帮兴亡的经验,以及当代商帮高速发展的启示,进而鼓励中国企业家们发扬独特的精神品质,继续推动中国经济与社会文化持续蓬勃发展。
(2023年3月3日,广州)胡润百富、胡润光谷与全屋高端定制智能家居一站式服务商宝思派今日联合发布《2025中国高端智能家居生活场景白皮书》(China High Net Worth Family and Smart Home Life Scene in 2025)。这份73页的白皮书是业内首份聚焦中国高净值人群智能家居生活方式的研究报告,内容涵盖中国智能家居产业发展现状、高净值人群的居住类型及居家生活状态、高净值人群对于智能家居产品的需求,以及2025年中国高端智能家居场景的预见等。
(2022年12月8日,上海)总部位于日内瓦的瑞士顶尖私人银行瑞士瑞联(Union Bancaire Privée, UBP)与胡润研究院今日联合发布《2022中国式家族办公室行业发展白皮书》(2022 Chinese Family Office Industry Trends Report)。这份72页的报告是首部关于中国式家族办公室的行业分析与研究,首次定义了“中国式家族办公室”这一概念,重点研究剖析了中国家族办公室的现状。报告回答了4个问题:家族办公室的价值是什么?为什么需要中国式家族办公室?中国式家族办公室有何特征?未来发展方向会在哪里?